- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter P
Day 1 Find p stickers and put on P Color and assemble Letter P Book Go to library and get p books Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew We started reading Mr. Popper’s Penguins. She asked for an activity with it, so I quickly made her a themed bath for it. I cut up parts of a penguin out of foam, dyed the water blue and gave her a bowl of ice. She loved it. I made 12 penguins, but could have just done two or three (see pic above). When will I learn?! If it takes longer than five minutes (this took ten), don’t keep going! 🙂 (I…
Letter of the Week – Letter O
Day 1 Find o stickers and put on O Color and assemble Letter O Book Go to library and get o books Play around with oil pastels on a paper Put out O words (oven…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Color in O Outline and o Outline with: oil pastels (Other options: oatmeal, orange, ovals) Draw a picture of someone with an “owie” – tell the story (wrote it down for her), and she put band aid on the owie in her picture — she ended up telling the story…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter N
Day 1 Find n stickers and put on N Color and assemble Letter N book Go to library and get N books Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Nachos for dinner Day 2 Fill in N Outline and n Outline with: drew noses and nines (Other options: newspaper, nickel rubbing, numbers, noses, noodles) Near and far (had her run near and far, throw near and far, kick near and far) Activity Sheet 1 Starfall Computer Activity Day 3 Music notes coloring sheet Letter to a friend whose name starts with “N” Noodle Necklace (We just happened to go to a free event, where one of the activities was making…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, Interest Led Homeschool, Preschool, Science, Teaching, the Give Way, Theme, Tot School, Unit Study
There was a camping trip planned with our church, and I was five months pregnant and sick…every day!!! So, I decided to not go camping with my daughter and husband. And, although it was almost as much work planning and packing, it was definitely nice to have a little break while they were gone. The few days before they left, I did a short (very simple) camping theme, just to help prepare my daughter for what was to come. We did a few fun activities. By the time we were done, she was so ready to go and had a great time with everyone and bonding with her dad. We…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter M
Day 1 Find m stickers and put on M (I post little stickers around a room and she puts them on the letter so the stickers end up looking like the letter.) Color and assemble Letter M book Go to library and get M books Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter. Create a centerpiece and display the items. M dinner (We did it on day 1, because it’s a M Day — Monday!) Appetizer: mango Dinner: Meatballs (my mom made up turkey ones with mustard, ketchup, oats and kind of fried them. They were delicious!) and “mashed” potatoes (not real mashed…
Letter of the Week – Letter L
This week was a busy one for me. Not that I did anything, but there was a lot of baby caring for and less letter L caring about. 🙂 Day 1 Find l stickers and put on L Color and assemble Letter L Book (I only printed off three image pages) Go to library and get L books Starfall Computer Activity Song: L Song Day 2 Fill in L outline and l outline with: drew lions and “L” stamp (leaves, lace, lasagna noodles, lemon prints: use cut fruit for stamp with yellow paint, lime prints: use cut fruit for stamp with green paint) Put out L words (lamp, light, light switch, lantern…I…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter K
Day 1 Find k stickers and put on K Color and assemble Letter K book (I only printed off three that I thought she’d like.) Go to library and get K books (finally actually went to the library, instead of using our own books…yay, for finally knowing how much time I’ve got between naps. 🙂 ) Scott started making Lego creations with A — she loved it of course. She is still learning how to use Lego and Scott is still learning how to let her do stuff, since she really doesn’t know how yet. But, they have great fun together. They made capital and lowercase upright K’s, kites, keys, a…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter J
Day 1 Find “J” and “j” stickers and put on a J Color and assemble Letter J book (I only use three pages.) Went through our library and got j books Activity sheet 1 Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Fill in J Outline and j Outline with: She has started doing them without talking to me, so she drew jaguars in one and wrote the word “jam” in the other. (jewels, jellybeans) Letter to a friend with a name that starts with “J” This was the first time she wanted to write a lot, rather than just draw a picture and have me write most of it. It…
- 12-14 Year Old, 15-18 Year Old, 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, 9-11 Year Old, Creative Commons Photos, History/Social Science, Interest Led Homeschool, Life, the Give Way, Preschool, Science, Social Activities, Teaching, the Give Way, Virtual Field Trip
South African Safari Photos (Pilanesberg National Park)
Here are a photos from the spring in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. Find a list of historical fiction set in Africa here. These photos are published under a creative commons license (CC BY-SA 4.0). If it seems like the photo isn’t downloading at a res you’d like, please leave a comment with the number of the photo, and I’ll send an original. Thanks! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. There’s a lion laying in the grass, dead center…if you look hard enough. 🙂 9. 10. 11. 12. Hippo in water. 13. 14. 15. …
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Math, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter I
Day 1 Find “I” and “i” stickers and put on I Color and assemble letter I book (I only use three pages.) Look through our library and get I books Put out I words (instruments, iPad, iPod, iPhone…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew In about 3 min, I made some ice cream scoops and cones from leftover felt. We don’t have any good scissors around, and I didn’t use a template, so the results could probably be on one of those Pinterest fail lists. 🙂 But she enjoyed playing with them quietly, which…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter H
This week was a little crazy. She was not really into a lot of the worksheets. I think she only did a couple. I linked them still, but she didn’t do them. And, as I’ve said before, I don’t force her to do any of this stuff if she’s not interested. Apparently, H was not a letter she cared to get into. 🙂 Day 1 Find h stickers and put on H Color and assemble letter H book Get H books out of our library Hokey Pokey (she had lots of fun doing this) Starfall Computer Activity Video: Get Squiggling!-Letter H Day 2 Hopping Fill in H outline and h…
- 3-5 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter F
When she was taking the “e” stuff down, she was acting all sad, so she left an “e” up. 🙂 (First time doing this with the baby around. So, lots less pictures an less activities that involve a ton of set-up. Still trying to get over the guilt of not having enough time for her. :/) Day 1 Find f stickers and put on F (She also got a sticky pad and made F’s on them and put them around the room for dad to find. And realized I could’ve had her help me make all the stickers. Duh!) Color and assemble letter F book Find F books on our…