3-5 Year Old,  6-8 Year Old,  English,  Letter of the Week,  Preschool,  Teaching, the Give Way

Letter of the Week – Letter O

Day 1

  1. Find o stickers and put on O
  2. Color and assemble Letter O Book
  3. Go to library and get o books
  4. Play around with oil pastels on a paper
  5. Put out O words (oven…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when  you pull it off)
  6. Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew

Day 2

  1. Color in O Outline and o Outline with: oil pastels (Other options: oatmeal, orange, ovals)
  2. Draw a picture of someone with an “owie” – tell the story (wrote it down for her), and she put band aid on the owie in her picture — she ended up telling the story of when she fell down last. 🙂
  3. Go on an orange hunt around the house (find things that are orange)
    Letter of the Week - Letter O
  4. Activity Sheet 1
  5. Video: Get Squiggling!

Day 3

  1. Sing “One two buckle my shoe…”
  2. Do the opposites puzzle we have (In case you want to make your own or do your own thing, but don’t want to think up the opposite words, here’s a picture of the puzzle. The only one I didn’t agree with was “stand” and “sit.”  I would think the complete opposite of standing would be lying down, so we talked about that.)
    Letter of the Week - Letter O
  3. Eat O’s cereal
  4. Activity Sheet 2
  5. Video: Sesame Street and the Letter O

Day 4

  1. Letter to a friend whose name starts with O
  2. Hop on one leg
  3. Video: Kids Orchestra Movie  (while watching she wanted to draw circles [o’s] in a shapes workbook we had laying around…it’s a little cheesy, but comprehensive for their level.)
  4. Activity Sheet 3
  5. Starfall Computer Activity

Day 5

  1. Activity Sheet 4
  2. Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter.  Create a centerpiece and display the items. (That flat square thing with purple and red, was the owl she made while her dad made his. 🙂 )
    Letter of the Week - Letter O
  3. O dinner
    Appetizer: Olives
    Dinner: Orzo with o shaped sausages and o shaped zucchini (Yes, that’s a plastic putty knife. 🙂 )
    Letter of the Week - Letter O
    Letter of the Week - Letter O
    Dessert: Orange Cookies — They were delicious.  I used whole wheat flour, so they were thicker than they’re supposed to be, I think.  Here’s the recipe.
    Letter of the Week - Letter O(Other food options: order out, oranges, onions, okra, onion rings, omelets, Oreo, orange chicken, oatmeal cookies, Ovaltine, olive tapenade, orange beef, oven bake _____)
  4. Bible Story: Obadiah

Letter N Post and Letter P Post

All Letter of the Week Posts

Click here for Alphabet Pinterest Board

To see more themes and what my three year old learned this year, click here.




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