3-5 Year Old,  6-8 Year Old,  English,  Interest Led Homeschool,  Letter of the Week,  Preschool,  Teaching, the Give Way

Letter of the Week – Letter Z

Day 1

  1. Find z stickers and put on Z
  2. Color and assemble Letter Z Book
  3. Go to library and get z books
  4. Make a zebra Lego

Day 2

  1. Fill in Z Outline and z Outline with carrots (zanahoria). (Other options: zeros, zippers, zebra stripes, zucchini painting)
  2. Draw a zig zag color by numbers
    Letter of the Week - Letter Z
    She had to make me one too. 🙂
    Letter of the Week - Letter Z
    That I of course completed.
  3. Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew
  4. Starfall Computer Activity

Day 3

  1. Run/walk in zig zags
  2. Make a Lego zig zag
    Letter of the Week - Letter Z
  3. Activity Sheet 1
  4. Activity Sheet 2
  5. Video: Get Squiggling!

Day 4

  1. Zucchini muffins
  2. Sing zippity do da song “plenty of (z words) coming my way”
  3. Activity Sheet 3
  4. Activity Sheet 4
  5. Video: Sesame Street and the Letter Z

Day 5

  1. She set up a zoo for the centerpiece.
    Letter of the Week - Letter Z
  2. Z Dinner:
    Appetizer: zwieback bread and cheese with zanahoria (carrot) juice and a Zahanorita (carrot margarita) for the grownups.  I don’t drink, but my husband said it was quite delicious and refreshing.
    Dinner: Zurcher Geschnetzeltes, zucchini, zesty green beans, zwiebelbrot (onion rolls)
    Letter of the Week - Letter Z
    Dessert: Zebra Cake — I used chocolate biscotti instead.  And, boy is this a delicious and simple dessert to make! (I think I didn’t lay the cookies right or cut it right, since it doesn’t look very much like zebra stripes.)
    Letter of the Week - Letter Z
    Other Dinner Options: ziti, zabaglione, zander, zebra cake, zeppole, Zero bars, zesty salad, zucchini bread/cupcakes, Zingers, zuppa, zuti,  zuccotto, breaded zucchini sticks, stuffed zucchini, zuppa
  3. Bible Story: Zacchariah, Zechariah, Zipporah

Letter Y Post

All Letter of the Week Posts

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To see more themes and what my four year old learned this year, click here.








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