Learning Plan: Age 6
Well, the new year has started! This is our first official year, paperwork included, as a private school here in California. California doesn’t have homeschoolers. Those who are homeschooling without the support of a public school system (like a charter school), file paperwork just like any private school here in the state. So, we decided to have a name for our school. It took us awhile to decide, as we wanted something we could use until they’re out of school. We also wanted something meaningful to our mission as homeschoolers. It took us two days of lots of not so great ideas to come to one that, knowing us and our life’s goal of living the give way, should’ve been obvious to us. We settled on Wayfinder School, as we are constantly focused on find the right way to live and learn. As soon as we said it, we realized how perfectly it encapsulates our home. (And we couldn’t believe it took us so long to come up with it! Doh!)
Core Phase Learning Plan
We loosely follow many different educational philosophies, but I have really found a connection with my own beliefs about life and education with a philosophy called TJEd. One of the components that resonated with me was the phases of a child’s development. We are currently in the core phase with our kids. This is a phase where the emphasis is not on academics, but on developing good character through a number of ways, including work in the house, studying our core book, learning what is right and wrong, etc. So, this is always our number one focus. The academic plan listed below is completely secondary to these core items.
- Core Book
Theme – Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Proverbs Study continued
Monthly Virtues, Book: The Children’s Book of Virtues - Life Skills
Life Skills Journal
Sewing [her choice]
Cooking [her choice] Book: The Science Chef
Manners Book: 365 Manners Kids Should Know
Friendship Skills Book: Theme Book Series – Friends
Girl Scout Daisys
4-H Club - Household Responsibilities
Watering yard
Cleaning her room 3x a week
Help empty dishwasher
“Babysit” her brother when I need him out of the way 😉
Clean or help as directed when needs arise
Academic Plan
Wow! When I write it all out, it looks like so much!! I’m not sure if we’ll cover all this (we didn’t! LOL!). But, she reads so much, and loves to learn about all kinds of things, that I’m pretty sure we’ll cover a majority of this. And, these things can be anything from a 5 minute activity to a month of activities. But, I’ve noticed that when life is full of other activities, the academic plan goes to the wayside, and I’m totally ok with that!
We are focused on core behavior growths, not academics. This plan is purely to give us a little structure if needed. It also is a record for me of what she’s done. You’ll notice a theme when it comes to media. I was feeling a little need for some pop culture…not too modern, but when I started looking at music and looking up composers, I got so bored! LOL! It seems like that’s the kind of thing kids are supposed to learn, which is true, but it’s also true that my kids can learn it another year. 🙂
This is the plan for a first grade, six year old girl (oldest). I put up a Learning Plan: Age 5, last year as well. I feel like I always need to add a caveat to my plans. Our focus is natural learning and delight driven learning, based on her interests as well as things I think she’ll be interested in. We do not have any structured time for learning or use any pre-made curriculum, other than an outline like the one below. We are firm believers that people are natural learners, born with an insatiable curiosity for the world and those around us. My goal as a mentor is to provide lots of opportunities to satisfy that curiosity, within our own family environment.
August 2017 – July 2018 Learning Plan
Main Theme: Practice Makes Progress Not Perfect
Character Goal: Stay Positive
The generic plan for activities (all are optional.):
- Kids’ Classic Book Club description can be found here.
- Classic book refers to a classic book we are reading together that is not a book club book.
- “Places” is a geography study (One each month — related to readings or holidays or areas she may be less familiar with — may include reading books, flag, map, language, music/dance/art, activity, themed dinner, watching videos)
- “People” relates to short studies of a person (one a month — may include reading books, watching videos, and an activity. )
- “Events” is my attempt to keep up with important calendar dates that happen during the month (how often varies — may includes books, videos, and a few activities.)
- “Themes” can refer to a few days or a whole month of delving into a subject. (Generally chosen by me and her and include things like decorating the house, themed snacks/baths/meals/toys, and a number of related activities and books.)
Specific Areas of Interest Throughout the Year
- Math
Math Journal
Book: Alice in Numberland - Science
Science Journal - Social Studies
Social Studies Journal
Monthly Country/State Studies Studies
Book: I Know a Place
Book: Children Just Like Me - Creative Expression
Monthly Artist Focus
Monthly Musician Focus
- Classics Book Club: Adventure at the Beach
Swiss Family Robinson - Core Book: Books of the Bible and Proverbs 4:10-15, 4:18-22
- Theme: Sun and Moon
- Important Event: Solar Eclipse
- Cooking: Salad dressing/dressings (Experiment: make mayonnaise, Three-Bean Salad, honey-yogurt dressing)
- Manners: Being a good host
- Music: Beach Boys and The Supremes
- Movies: Happy Feet,
Swiss Family Robinson
March of the Penguins
A Boy Named Charlie Brown - Chapter books on her own
Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery
Cam Jansen and the The Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones
Cam Jansen and the First Day of School
Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Television Dog
- Classics Book Club: Magic Tree House #1 – Dinosaurs Before Dark
- Classic Book: Mr. Apple’s Family
- Core Book: Fall Holy Days
Proverbs 4: 20-22, 6:6-10 - Virtue: Courage and Perseverance
- Theme: Snoopy
- Theme: Fall and Apples
- Places: United Kingdom
- Artist: Charles Schulz
- Daisy’s: Juliette’s bridging ceremony
- Cooking: Eggs (Make: fried egg on her own) and grilled cheese
- Sewing: Shelf liner sewing
- Music: The Andrews Sisters and Cole Porter
- Movie: You’re a Good Sport, Charlie Brown
The Peanuts Movie
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Dumbo - Chapter Books on her own:
Magic Tree House: The Knight at Dawn #2
Magic Tree House: Midnight on the Moon #8
- Classic Book: The Hoboken Chicken Emergency
- Core Book: Fall Holy Days
Proverbs 4:23-27 - Theme: Castles (mainly consisted of visiting a couple in Wales and England)
- Theme: Time (Did not end up doing anything for this. Apparently, getting her a cute snap watch, like this, in the middle of a five hour drive, is enough to have her learn how to read a watch! Natural learning at its finest!)
- Theme: Fall – Leaves
- Theme: Earth’s environments – forests and rivers
- Place: Germany
- Manners: Out on the Town
- Persons: The British Royal family
- Daisy – Good Neighbor Badge
- Sewing: Shelf Liner sewing
- Music: Air Supply and The Carpenters
Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole - Movie: Snoopy Is Getting Married
Lost and Found
- Chapter Books on her own:
Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops Mystery
Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House
Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride
Mercy Watson Fights Crime
- Classics Book Club: Lottie and Lisa
- Core Book: Love Your Neighbor As Yourself, What does it mean to love yourself?
- Theme: Space
- Theme: Gratitude
- Theme: Fall – Pumpkins
- Theme: Thanksgiving (Pinterest Board)
- Place: Germany
- Artist: Pieter Bruegel
- Music: Barry Manilow and Barbra Streisand
- Cooking: Fiber (Experiment: bran muffins)
- Movie: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
This Is America, Charlie Brown: The NASA Space Station
This Is America, Charlie Brown: The Mayflower Voyagers
Parent Trap (original — we fast forwarded a lot!)
Mary Poppins
- Classic Books:Skating Shoes
Story of Ferdinand - Virtue: Responsibility/Work/Self-Discipline
- Manners: Family Time
- Artist: Mary Cassat (read Suzette and the Puppy, no art activity)
- Daisy’s – Outdoor Art Maker badge
- Music: Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon
- Movies: Ferdinand (new in theaters)
Mickey Mouse Club (old ones)
Snoopy’s Reunion
Snow Buddies - Chapter books on her own:
Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds
Barry, the Bravest Saint Bernard
(Sick all month!! Into a couple weeks of January)
- Classics Book Club: The Hundred Dresses
- Proverbs 6:12-15, 6:16-19, 6:23, 8:10-11, 9:10-11, 10:1 (got so behind on these!)
- Virtue: Compassion and Faith
- Theme: Animals
- Place: Egypt
- Manners: Body Basics
- Daisy’s: Model Car badge, Count It Up and Talk It Up leaves, selling cookies, Journey 3 Cheers for Animals, World Thinking Day Badge, Robotics Badges (Apple store activity)
- Music: Abba and Bee Gees
- Movie: Air Bud (we stopped it right when everything was going great. LOL!)
- Classics Book Club: Henry and Mudge (All 29 books)Artist: Monet
Got pregnant and super sick!!
February to July
Things she did:
- Finished a couple sewing projects, started a cross-stitch
- Worked with wood with my dad. Made: doll table, chairs and cradle, tool box, tug boat, dog house (which was more like a wood cube with no sides 🙂 ), carousel, birdhouse
- Math: tons of Lego, workbooks she picked, measurements for building projects, calendar, time, money
- Science: STEM Lego girls, mud play, bugs/outside stuff, baking/cooking with grandma, Ranger Rick, tons of books, gardening, watched three caterpillars turn to butterflies, Magic School Bus show
- Writing: letters, lists, workbooks, crossword puzzles, word searches, mad libs
- Reading: At least 10 picture books a day, reading “storytime” to her brother, chapter books (I tried to have her leave the ones she read on my desk so I could put them down.) I’m sure she didn’t get them all to me, but here are the ones I know for sure:
The Secret Valley
The Milly Molly Mandy Storybook
More Milly Molly Mandy
Ten True Animal Rescues
Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Corn Popper
The Paintbrush Kid
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle’s Farm
Hello, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
The Littles
The Littles Go Exploring
The Littles and the Big Storm
Cam Jansen and the Mystery of Flight 54
Cam Jansen and The Chocolate Fudge Mystery
Cam Jansen and The Mystery of the Carnival Prize
Cam Jansen and The Mystery Of The Gold Coin
Cam Jansen and the Wedding Cake Mystery
Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig
The Courage of Sarah Noble
Mary on Horseback - Audio Books: I use Librivox for these. All free and only classics that have no copyrights anymore.
Bowser the Hound
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck
Mrs. Peter Rabbit
The Adventures of Buster Bear
The Adventures of Lightfoot the Deer
The Adventures of Paddy Beaver
The Adventures of Peter Cottontail
The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack
The Adventures of Reddy Fox
The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse
The Adventures of Sammy Jay
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel - Read Aloud Books We Finished: The Children’s Bible in 365 Stories
- Art: books about artists or types of artists, painted, created her own crafts from her Childcraft book
- History: historical fiction and nonfiction, social studies activities in some workbooks, Bible stories, grandparents stories
- Imaginative play/social play: beach trip, family, doctor, explorer, teacher, librarian
- PE: running, climbing, swinging, jumping, jump rope, sandbox, trampoline, pool/water play, swimming, scooter, bike, walks, playground
- Bible: Officer’s servant (Luke 7:1-10), Solomon, Jesus Heals a paralytic (Luke 5:17-26 and Matthew 9:1-2), Passover and Days of Unleavened bread, Good Samaritan, Jesus feeding the crowds (Matt 15:32)
Proverbs 10:2-5, 8-12, 14, 17, 19, 26, 31-32 - Girl Scouts: 3 Cheers for Animals, Buddy Camper Badge, Game Board Challenge Badge, selling cookies, Pottery badge
- In the Kitchen: Cooks by herself (scrambled eggs and fried eggs), smoothies, simple cookies
Things we didn’t get to this year (mainly due to pregnancy):
- Math
Life of Fred – Apples
Life of Fred – Butterflies - Science
Book: 175 Amazing Nature Experiments
Book: Science Around the Year - Social Studies
Language: My First European Dictionary and Berlitz, Jr. French
Book: Golden Book Geography
Book: Childcraft – Children Everywhere - Creative Expression
Poetry Journal
Books: A Child’s Garden of Verses
Book: A Child’s First Book of Poems
Chess: Chess for Kids - Classics: Theater Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Dancing Shoes, New Shoes, Family Shoes, Ballet Shoes, Movie Shoes, Traveling Shoes (These are more appropriate for an older girl, 9 or so),
Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
The Borrowers
Beatrix Potter series
Happy Times in Noisy Village (Sweden)
Dad, Jackie and Me
Peter Pan
Mary on Horseback
A Little Princess - Cooking: Sauces (Experiment: Roux/cornstarch, biscuits and gravy, pesto sauce pizza, fondue), Cheese (Experiment: make cheese, parfaits, cheeseburger, enchilada), Dairy (Experiment: make butter, make yogurt, make pudding), Baking Powder (biscuits, pancakes, muffins), Fruit (Experiments: Ripening bananas, dips and spreads for fruit and veggies, watermelon butterfly salad, baked apples, apple cobbler), Rice (Experiment: white/brown rice, fruited rice, creamy rice, rice pudding), Toast (Experiment-broiling buttered toast, French toast, toast tarts, herb and chive spread and strawberry butter)
- Virtue: Honesty, Loyalty and Friendship
- Theme: Inventions/thinking, Tennis, Chess, Family. Tall Tales, Animals, Butterflies (Pinterest Board), About me (treat others like me), Baseball, Teeth, Body, Insects, Electricity
- Event: Juneteenth, Wimbeldon, Special Olympics, Fourth of July, Women’s History Month, National Poetry Month
- Place: Uganda, Illinois, Sweden, Norway and Minnesota, Spain, India
- Manners: Getting along with other kids and how to be a good friend, Be a good sport, Responsibility/Work/Self-Discipline, Speaking, actions and reactions, Compassion and Faith, Table Manners, Getting along with other kids
- Considerate to People with Special Needs, Books:
Give Me a Sign, Helen Keller
Andy and His Yellow Frisbee
Susan Laughs
Thank You, Mr. Falker
Ian’s Walk
My Brother Charlie - Music: Carol King and James Taylor, Clara Kathleen Rogers and John Philip Sousa, Dionne Warwick and Stevie Wonder, Patsy Cline and Elvis Presley, Jazz Appreciation Month- Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, The New Christy Minstrels and Peter, Paul and Mary, Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli
- Art Books:
Swatch, the Girl Who Loved Color (Body Paint)
Frida Kahlo (Little People, Big Dreams) (Self-Portrait) - Artist: Cezanne (paper still life), Hans Dahl, Degas, Monet
- People: Abe Lincoln, Jackie Robinson Day (April 15), Emily Dickinson, Book: The Mouse of Amherst, Jane Goodall, Janet Collins
- Environments – Ocean/Beach, deserts, mountains
- Movie: This Is America, Charlie Brown: The Great Inventors
Garrett’s Gift
Donald Duck’s Modern Inventions
Searching for Bobby Fischer
American Tale
Milo and Otis
Peter Rabbit (BBC version)
The Journey of Henry Box Brown
D2: The Mighty Ducks
It’s a Mystery, Charlie Brown!
Davy Crockett
Milo and Otis
Charlie Brown, All Stars!
Jackie Robinson Story
A Ballerina’s Tale
Ballet Shoes
Dancing in the Light: The Janet Collins Story
Peter Pan
Charlie Brown – Tooth Brushing, It’s Dental Flossophy
This Is America, Charlie Brown: The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad
Maya the Bee
Shirley Temple: A Little Princess
A Little Princess - Sewing: button clock, baby doll quilt, baby quilt, scented sachets (mother’s day gifts)
- Nonfiction Book: Girls Who Looked Under Rocks