3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter S
Day 1
- Find s stickers and put on S
- Color and assemble Letter S Book
- Go to library and get S books
- Put out S words (stove, shelf, soap, sink, stool, stairs…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off)
- Streamer dancing: Tie streamers to wrists and put on a fan — I didn’t even put on music. She had so much fun dancing in front of the fan.
- Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew
Day 2
- Fill in S Outline and s Outline with: sprinkles and drew suns (Other options: salt, sand, string, straws, sticks, seeds, stamps, staples, stickers, squares, sequins, silver, silver glitter, sponge painting)
- Draw with stencils
- Play with sequencing puzzle we have (We have this one.)
- Starfall Computer Activity
- Video: Get Squiggling!
Day 3
- Spin (on tip toe, fast, slow, low)
- Try “Sally Sells Seashells” tongue twister
- Sound activity: feel throat while talking/singing and plug ears and sing/listen
- Activity Sheet 1
- Activity Sheet 2
- Video: Sesame Street and the Letter S
Day 4
- Side steps (had a hard time with this), try skipping (not able to do this, but tries)
- Letter to a friend whose name starts with S
- Make a sound song: clap=star, stomps=squares, tongue click=circle…make a symbol to represent the sound, put down lines of symbols and then make the “song.” She liked this one. It was hard though. She really had to concentrate. But, she was really into it. She also made up sounds (ba, la, thatha) and we put them to numbers and she wrote a song, and we sang that. She even remembered them later on when she sang them to her dad.
- Snowman: Draw circles in ascending sizes onto white paper. One circle for each letter of her name. Glue them from largest at the bottom to smallest at the top onto colored paper. Draw face, arms, hat, whatever they’d like. Using a white crayon, draw snow. (Can see it in the next picture. She used the same marker to color it in, so the letters disappeared. 🙂 )
- Activity Sheet 3
- Activity Sheet 4
Day 5
- Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter. Create a centerpiece and display the items. (Those are apparently space beds…and those scissors were quite impressive and made at night with no help from the little one. I think my husband enjoys letter of the week as much as my daughter. 😉 And in case you didn’t notice, a squirrel at a steering wheel, a soldier on a scooter and a squirrel on stairs. 🙂 )
- S dinner (Silly S Supper) This was so much fun. She loved it. A lot! Appetizers and dinner were a surprise, but she helped make dessert.Appetizer: Strawberry “Drink”: I told her I had her strawberry drink, used a cup that wouldn’t show what was in it and a straw. I held it for her to drink out the straw first before letting her see what was in it. Hilarious!
Cheese and crackers: cut up apple rectangles (that’s how we cut our cheese) and cheese circles. I called her over for cheese and crackers and she came over and called her dad, and then stopped in her tracks when she saw it. Toook her a second to figure out what it was. Super cute!
Dinner: First course — spinach — I was going to make these cauliflower “wings,” but ran out of time. So, I scrounged in the fridge and saw spinach, but that isn’t very funny. So I served her a “drink” of spinach and just put it in a small glass. 🙂 She was not successful at drinking it, so I gave her a fork. By the way, I only separated the courses because the potatoes were taking a long time to cook, not because I’m fancy. 😉
2nd Course — Sausage Meatloaf Cupcake
(half chicken sausage and half ground turkey, egg, mustard, thyme, carrots and peas…with a whipped mashed potato frosting. I put real sprinkles around hers. By the time I served it, she knew what it was, but I think she enjoyed the thinking it was cupcakes, then seeing them without frosting and being confused. And then figuring out in the dining room that the frosting was mashed potatoes. You’ll notice too, that the frosting doesn’t look very professional, but that’s exactly how any frosting would look if I made it…which I never do! Lol!)
Dessert: Sushi and Sashimi (Sushi: caramel small rice cakes, tiny piece of dried mandarin orange and green apple fruit roll-up. The kind that’s in the produce department. That way, I only had to buy one. Sashimi: Marshmallow Treats from Trader Joes, dried mandarin oranges wrapped in green apple “seaweed.” They’re made with vegan marshmallows, so no unknown gelatin product. Yay! Here’s what they look like — don’t buy them here though, that’s way too expensive. They’re much cheaper in the store.)
(Other options: smoked salmon, shepherd pie, snickerdoodles, sugar snap peas, sausage, sauerkraut, soup, steak, stew, sourdough, spaghetti, spaghetti squash, salami, seven layer dip , string beans, sweet potatoes, sandwiches, salsa, squash, stroganoff, scalloped potatoes, spumoni, shortcake, starfruit, sub sandwich, salad, sorbet, sweet and sour _________, samosas, scone, snow peas, sweet tea, Swiss cheese, Swiss roll, sun chips, Stromboli, stuffing) - Bible Story: Samson, Sarah, Samuel, Satan, Saul, Simon, Solomon, Stephen, Susanna
Letter R Post and Letter T Post
All Letter of the Week Posts
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To see more themes and what my four year old learned this year, click here.