12-14 Year Old,  15-18 Year Old,  3-5 Year Old,  6-8 Year Old,  9-11 Year Old,  Creative Commons Photos,  History/Social Science,  Interest Led Homeschool,  Life, the Give Way,  Preschool,  Science,  Social Activities,  Teaching, the Give Way,  Virtual Field Trip

South African Safari Photos (Pilanesberg National Park)

Here are a photos from the spring in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. Find a list of historical fiction set in Africa here.

These photos are published under a creative commons license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

If it seems like the photo isn’t downloading at a res you’d like, please leave a comment with the number of the photo, and I’ll send an original. Thanks!

1. IMG_0012

2. IMG_0021


3. IMG_0036

4. IMG_0027


5. IMG_0028


6. IMG_0019


6. IMG_0013


7. IMG_0018


8. There’s a lion laying in the grass, dead center…if you look hard enough. 🙂IMG_0014


9. IMG_0017


10. IMG_0015


11. IMG_0072


12. Hippo in water.IMG_0082


13. IMG_0086


14. IMG_0037


15. IMG_0038


16. Ant hill!!IMG_0112


17. IMG_0089


18. IMG_0093


19. IMG_0103


20. IMG_0108


21. IMG_0104

22. IMG_0122





25. IMG_0130


26. IMG_0136


27. IMG_0143


28. IMG_0144


29. IMG_0151


30. IMG_0146


31. IMG_0046


32. IMG_0047


33. IMG_0048


35. IMG_0051



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