3-5 Year Old
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter U
Day 1 Find u stickers and put on U (She’s basically over this activity. So, I have discontinued it. I think maybe it was too easy, but if I made it harder, it was too hard. 🙂 ) Color and assemble Letter U Book Go to library and get u books Put out U words (umbrella…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Starfall Computer Activity Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Fill in U Outline and u Outline with: she chose to draw ukuleles and umbrellas (other ideas: utensils (plastic), uniorns, u’s, u-boats, underwater scene) Upside down…
- 12-14 Year Old, 15-18 Year Old, 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, 9-11 Year Old, Book Focus, English, Historical Fiction Book Lists, History/Social Science, Interest Led Homeschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Historical Fiction: War of 1812
[Part of an ongoing series of historical fiction book lists for students and teachers. For the full list and to see more info, click here.] Lower Grades (K-2) An American Army of Two-Greeson (2.9/0.5) The Battle for St. Michaels-McCully (3.1/0.5) The Battle of New Orleans: The Drummer’s Story-Evans (3.4/0.5) Chet Chestnut-Sargent (4.2/0.5) Snow (White)-Sargent (4.5/0.5) (Description: A beautiful, proud white horse carries General Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812.) The Star-Spangled Banner-Winstead (4.1/0.5) The Town that Fooled the British: A War of 1812 Story-Papp (4.2/0.5) Washington Is Burning-Figley (3.5/0.5) Middle Grades (4-8) Abigail’s Drum-Minahan (4.6/1) A Call to Battle: The War of 1812-Chan (6.1/7) Cornstalks…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, 9-11 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Math, Preschool, Science, Social Activities, Teaching, the Give Way
“T” Party
During our Letter T week, we had a “T” party…get it, T like tea. 🙂 We initially were going for Tuesday the twenty-first at ten. But, then decided to have it while we had some Chinese foreign exchange students over. So, it turned into a party for the kids followed with dinner for the adults on Tuesday the twenty-eighth at three thirty. So, we ended up with 8 children ages 2 1/2 to 12 and 10 adults. It was awesome! The day before, we set up the tables in T formations, of course. And, I used a highlighter to write all the labels for things, and my daughter traced over…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Science, Social Activities, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter T
This week we started day 1 on a Wednesday, skipped the weekend and ended with day 5 on a Tuesday. Because, really, you can’t have a T Party on any other day. 🙂 Day 1 Find t stickers and put on T Color and assemble Letter T Book Go to library and get t books Put out T words (TV, toilet, table, towel, toys, tile…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Starfall Computer Activity Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Fill in T Outline and t Outline with: tape and tissue paper (other options: toothpicks, toilet paper,…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter S
Day 1 Find s stickers and put on S Color and assemble Letter S Book Go to library and get S books Put out S words (stove, shelf, soap, sink, stool, stairs…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Streamer dancing: Tie streamers to wrists and put on a fan — I didn’t even put on music. She had so much fun dancing in front of the fan. Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Fill in S Outline and s Outline with: sprinkles and drew suns (Other options: salt, sand, string, straws, sticks, seeds, stamps, staples, stickers, squares,…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter R
Day 1 Find r stickers and put on R Color and assemble Letter R Book Go to library and get r books Put out R words (refrigerator, roof…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Starfall computer activity Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Fill in R Outline and r Outline with: ribbon and rainbows (Other options: rice, red, rope) Ring around the Rosie Talked about relatives Video: Sesame Street and the Letter R Day 3 Row row row your boat — We just happened to get a big box of diapers in the mail. So, she relegated…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter Q
Day 1 Find q stickers and put on Q Color and assemble Letter Q Book Go to library and get q books Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Fill in Q Outline and q Outline with: quilt pieces and question marks (Other options: q-tips, queens, quarter rubbings) Talked about quintuplets — #5, look at pictures, pretend have five babies She used her pie pieces from P Week and we talked about a quarter of it being 1/4. Video: Get Squiggling! Day 3 Walk around like a duck quacking Did a questions game — ask questions was basically it. Haha! Make a quilt — Lego one (with a…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter P
Day 1 Find p stickers and put on P Color and assemble Letter P Book Go to library and get p books Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew We started reading Mr. Popper’s Penguins. She asked for an activity with it, so I quickly made her a themed bath for it. I cut up parts of a penguin out of foam, dyed the water blue and gave her a bowl of ice. She loved it. I made 12 penguins, but could have just done two or three (see pic above). When will I learn?! If it takes longer than five minutes (this took ten), don’t keep going! 🙂 (I…
Letter of the Week – Letter O
Day 1 Find o stickers and put on O Color and assemble Letter O Book Go to library and get o books Play around with oil pastels on a paper Put out O words (oven…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off) Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Day 2 Color in O Outline and o Outline with: oil pastels (Other options: oatmeal, orange, ovals) Draw a picture of someone with an “owie” – tell the story (wrote it down for her), and she put band aid on the owie in her picture — she ended up telling the story…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter N
Day 1 Find n stickers and put on N Color and assemble Letter N book Go to library and get N books Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew Nachos for dinner Day 2 Fill in N Outline and n Outline with: drew noses and nines (Other options: newspaper, nickel rubbing, numbers, noses, noodles) Near and far (had her run near and far, throw near and far, kick near and far) Activity Sheet 1 Starfall Computer Activity Day 3 Music notes coloring sheet Letter to a friend whose name starts with “N” Noodle Necklace (We just happened to go to a free event, where one of the activities was making…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, Interest Led Homeschool, Preschool, Science, Teaching, the Give Way, Theme, Tot School, Unit Study
There was a camping trip planned with our church, and I was five months pregnant and sick…every day!!! So, I decided to not go camping with my daughter and husband. And, although it was almost as much work planning and packing, it was definitely nice to have a little break while they were gone. The few days before they left, I did a short (very simple) camping theme, just to help prepare my daughter for what was to come. We did a few fun activities. By the time we were done, she was so ready to go and had a great time with everyone and bonding with her dad. We…
- 3-5 Year Old, 6-8 Year Old, English, Interest Led Homeschool, Letter of the Week, Preschool, Teaching, the Give Way
Letter of the Week – Letter M
Day 1 Find m stickers and put on M (I post little stickers around a room and she puts them on the letter so the stickers end up looking like the letter.) Color and assemble Letter M book Go to library and get M books Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter. Create a centerpiece and display the items. M dinner (We did it on day 1, because it’s a M Day — Monday!) Appetizer: mango Dinner: Meatballs (my mom made up turkey ones with mustard, ketchup, oats and kind of fried them. They were delicious!) and “mashed” potatoes (not real mashed…