Letter of the Week – Letter W
Day 1
- Find w stickers and put on W
- Color and assemble Letter W Book
- Go to library and get w books
- Put out W words (wall, washer, washcloth, window…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when you pull it off)
- Activity Sheet 1
- Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew
Day 2
- Color in W Outline and w Outline with: She decided to draw windows in one and watermelons in another. (Other options: watercolors, walnut shells, white, wallpaper, watermelon seeds, wire, wood [could be wooden toothpicks], waxed paper)
- Now that school has started, I watch a friend’s kids after school, once a week. They range from 3rd grade to 7th. They wanted to join in and make some “W” Lego too! They made windmills, the W train, whistle, wandering path and a wading pool.
Day 3
- Letter to a friend whose name starts with W
- Wiggle like a worm.
- Video: Get Squiggling!
Day 4
- Count windows
- Activity Sheet 2
- Activity Sheet 3
- Starfall Computer Activity
- Video: Sesame Street and the Letter W
Day 5
- Activity Sheet 4
- Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter. Create a centerpiece and display the items.
- W Dinner
We had a wedding party in the place of dinner. Unfortunately, it was so incredibly hot, that I decided to have the kids do some of the activities inside first, which just threw off the timing of everything. Oh well. It was a lot more haphazard than what I had planned. Good idea, badly executed. Kinda like those Pinterest fail pictures. 🙂 But, the kids had fun.I found the idea here for a Q and U wedding. But, since we were doing W, I figured we’d do WR, since those two letters combine together to make a sound other than “w.” So, W was the girl and R was the boy. That way when they get married, W takes on the R sound. 🙂 We didn’t actually do a wedding ceremony. I felt a little weird taking something that is a very special thing and making it silly. So, we just did other activities and avoided a fake ceremony. It was so fun filled — and I was so harried with the last minute changes, I didn’t get many pictures. 🙁 I sent out invitations that said:Mr. and Mrs. W request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter
RWednesday, the ninth of September
Two Thousand and Fifteen
At Three O’clockAddress
Reception to Follow at Six O’Clock
In lieu of a gift, please bring the following for a party with 8 adults and 5 kids:(the items I asked for: sliced tomatoes, strawberries, whipped cream, English Muffins and drinks for adults.)
Dress: Wacky Formal Playwear
First they decorated wacky wedding cupcakes. (Wacky cake is super simple to make — I just put the batter in cupcake holders.)
Then we cleared that off, and pulled out some wrapping paper for them to decorate with markers and stickers. Then they wrapped it around Pringles containers to use in their backpacks for storing papers.Once we went outside, they had a race (boys against girls) where they had to soak a washcloth, hold it over their heads and run to a bucket to wring it out.
They also decorated the front yard with white balloons and toilet paper before the parents came.
I had a wheelbarrow full of ice water with some tools. The directions were find the wrench and come tell me. When they told me they found it, I gave them a Werther’s Original candy. 🙂
We made a mud puddle to writhe and wallow in.
They did some painting with watercolors.I also hung water balloons from the tree for them to burst over their heads. They enjoyed those a lot!
We cut out large cardboard W and R, and then decorated them. They both wore white. We put a wig on the W, which made “her” fall over a bit it was so heavy. 🙂 And we put a baby’s bow tie on the R. I forgot pictures, of course. The kids decorated our wagon with cans, toilet paper and a Just Married sign. And had to figure out a way to make the two cardboard signs stay. It was a great science lesson. They succeeded for a short time. I got a picture, after their solution failed.
Take home bag: Whoppers, Watchamacalit, Wrigley’s gum, and Warheads
Here’s a list of “wr” words I meant to put up, but ran out of time. So, if I ever do this again… wrestle, wrangle, wraiths, wrap, wrapper, wrath, wreak, wreathe, wreck, wrench, wren, wretch, wring, wrinkle, wrist, wristband, wristwatch, write, write off, writer, writhe, wrong, wrung, wry.
Menu: Wortel Salade, Waldorf Salad, World’s Best Frozen Fries (Trader Joe’s Frozen Fries), WR Burgers (Welsh Rarebit), Waffle cookies with strawberries and whipped cream.And a friend brought a fruit filled white wine spritzer.
Other options: watermelon, wheat bread, wings, waffles, walnuts, wafers, wontons, wraps, wagon wheel pasta, wild rice, whipped cream, watercress, wasa crackers, whatchamacallit candy bars, wedge, walleye, waraque al dawali (stuffed grape leaves), West African…, white…, wassail, wild…, whole…, Willy Wonka, Whiskey…, Wisconsin…, wok, Wolfgang Puck, wonderful…, well done…, worchestershire sauce, world famous/best…)
Letter V Post and Letter X Post
All Letter of the Week Posts
Click here for Alphabet Pinterest Board
Click here for more WR Wedding Ideas Pinterest board
To see more themes and what my four year old learned this year, click here.