12-14 Year Old,  15-18 Year Old,  Creative Commons Photos,  History/Social Science,  Interest Led Homeschool,  Life, the Give Way,  Teaching, the Give Way,  Virtual Field Trip

Dachau Concentration Camp Photos

Here are images taken by me at Dachau Concentration Camp in 2008. I put them in order of entering the camp, turning left and going clockwise around the site.  Go here for information about each area. Here’s a map of the camp.  Find a list of historical fiction related to the Holocaust here.

These photos are published under a creative commons license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

If it seems like the photo isn’t downloading at a res you’d like, please leave a comment with the number of the photo, and I’ll send an original. Thanks!

1. Main camp gate



2. Roll Call Area and reconstructed bunker



3. IMG_0452


4. Inside bunker



5. DSC08478






8. DSC08482


9. Looking out from bunker across roll call area to “former maintenance building”IMG_0462


10. From inside bunker, looking out towards where other bunkers used to be (next image is to the right of this).



11. From inside bunker, looking out towards where other bunkers would have been and at guard tower.DSC08484


12. DSC08485


14. Camp roadIMG_0450


14. IMG_0454


15. DSC08490




17. IMG_0468


18. IMG_0470


19. DSC08491




21. DSC08495




23. Little stream we walked over to get to the crematoriumIMG_0474


24. IMG_0483


25. Gas chamber (although it is reported to have never been used)IMG_0478


26.Crematorium IMG_0475


27. IMG_0476


28. IMG_0482


29. IMG_0493


30. This is what the plaque is in front of.IMG_0494


31. “Execution range with blood ditch”IMG_0495

32. IMG_0496

33. Coming back around to the other camp road IMG_0555


34. Inside the “former maintenance room,” the part that wasn’t the new museumIMG_0557


35. IMG_0466


36. IMG_0465




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